Course Library
Real Estate Investing School has over 20 different training courses featuring over 30 different real estate experts. The Primary Trainings are taught by Brody Fausett, Educator Trainings are taught by world-class real estate experts, and Coach Trainings are taught by our own world class Real Estate Investing School Coaches.
Primary Trainings

Educator Trainings

Real Estate Investing Made Easy with Brandon Turner
Real Estate Investing Made Easy with Brandon Turner is a comprehensive guide for both novice and experienced investors looking to navigate the complex world of real estate. Brandon Turner shares his journey from humble beginnings to achieving financial freedom through real estate investments.

The Build to Sell Breakdown with Katie Neason
Katie provides a comprehensive "Build to Sell Blueprint" covering essential topics like market research, due diligence, design and construction, and sales and marketing. By the end, you'll have a clear and actionable roadmap for executing your own build-to-sell project with confidence.

Coach Trainings

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